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  • Complete Lawn Care Programs

  • Top Dressing Organic Compost

  • White Grub Management

  • Core Aeration

  • Weed Control

  • Mechanical Overseeding

  • Gypsum (Soil Conditioning and Salt Damage)

  • Lawn Renovations

  • Deep Root Fertilizing

  • Insecticide Applications

  • Effective, guaranteed results for a beautiful, healthy lawn

  • Fast, Friendly service

  • Saves you time (for family, golf, cottage, etc.)

  • No concentrated materials to use and store

  • Flexibility of program applications

  • Concern for family, pets & property


Aeration is the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and its surrounding atmosphere. Roots need air, as well as water and other nutrients for growth. A core aerator will mechanically remove thousands of plugs containing thatch and soil from the lawn. These small cores will dissolve during rainfall, with the micro organisms in the cores helping to decompose the upper surface of the thatch layer.


Don’t hesitate – Book your fall aeration today.

  • Improved turf grass rooting

  • Enhanced heat and drought tolerance

  • Improved thatch breakdown

  • Enhanced soil water uptake

  • Improved fertilizer uptake and benefit

  • Reduced soil compaction

  • Overall improvement of lawn’s health and vigor

aeration, lawn, care, programs

Lawn Care Tips


Perhaps the single most important way to prepare lawns for hot weather is to mow higher. Mow at heights around 3 to 4 inches. If in doubt, set the mower as high as it will go. Grass maintained at a higher height of cut usually develops deeper roots and dries out slower than closely mowed turf.


Keep your mower’s blade sharp, which means having it sharpened several times during the mowing season. Keep several blades around so you’ll always have a sharp one on hand.


Mow your lawn in a different direction with each mowing. Altering the direction ensures a more even cut since grass blades will grow more erect and less likely to develop into a set pattern.


Water lawns deeply and infrequently, applying about 1 to 1 1/2 inches per application to help produce deep rooted turf.


Frequent light sprinkling has the opposite effect on the grass roots. Light water applications encourage the germination and growth of shallow-rooted species such as crabgrass and creeping bentgrass.


Do not allow lawns to turn brown and then water them back to a green condition, as this depletes energy reserves and stresses the plant.


Keep a newly seeded lawn moist, but not soaked, during the germination process. Too much water can cause a poor germination process. As the new lawn grows, reduce the frequency of watering and increases the amount. After four to six weeks, treat the new lawn as an established one.

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